Isaiah 63:1-5 - I That Speak in Righteousness
Isaiah 63:1-5 - I That Speak in Righteousness
The Mind of Christ Ministry
Let This Mind Be in You
-Philippians 2:5
The Book of Revelation
This magnificent Book, maybe the greatest masterpiece ever written. It is full of prose and prophecy, warning and wisdom. As the book states it is the "testimony of Jesus Christ" (1:2). We also find, as is common throughout the Bible, a style of writing known as chaisms or patterns of thought that mirror a corresponding thought, but in reverse order. These mirror
verses move toward a pinnacle point, which is the focus of the chiasm and the primary understanding of the writer.
Each chiasm paints a picture that truly only the discerning reading can comprehend. It reveals the veracity of Scripture and especially the divine origin of the Word of God. This page will be dedicated to grasping the "deep things of God" as we study His character in the Book of Revelation. An accumulation of chiasms in this magnificent book are now here put forth.
We will find links within some of the chiasms that help explain that particular subject matter.
Eight Fold Description of Christ as our High Priest - Rev 1:11-19
A What thou seest
B Write in a book
C I turned to see the voice
D I saw Seven Lamps --as light
E The living Word in humble garments
F His Head like white light
G His Eyes as a Flame of fire
X His Feet like fine brass as if they burned in a furnace
G1 His voice as many waters
F1 In His right hand stars sparkling
E1 The Spoken Word as a sword
D1 His countenance as sunlight
C1 When I saw Him
B1 Write the things
A1 Which thou has seen
X - The feet like fine brass reveals something deeply spiritual. The Son of man has feet 'like unto fine brass'. Brass is an alloy made of two
metals, copper and bronze in a furnace. Fine brass was more highly valued at times in history than even gold. The prophet John in
vision sees this picture of Jesus because it conveys to us with these many metaphors, what the Son of man has endured for us. Feet a
symbol of 'lifestyle' indicates Christ was learning obedience in his life as a man on earth by the things He suffered (Hebrews 5:8). His
whole life on earth testifies to a life in the furnace of affliction as a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. But through all of His
earthly journey He came off victorious for every member at every stage of development--a character that withstood the fires of trial
and temptation, though severely tried in the furnace of affliction heated seven times.