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Sunday Keeping Church Switches to Saturd

The One Million Dollar Challenge for the Pope

Did the Pope really say,

"Mothers who regret abortions should talk with babies in heaven"?

Can Our Dead Really Speak to Us?

Pope Francis_Abortion-Can Our
D.Trump-Dead Soldiers in Heaven_Can Our

Presidents have been deceived on this teaching also.

It happened in France once, it is again occurring in that secular country.
Is it coming to America? 
It may be sooner than you think?
The Bible & French Revolution_Past, Pres
Are the dead really dead, or is there life beyond the grave?
Samuel and the Witch of Endor-1.jpg
There is much confusion, even in the religious world over what constitutes 'Babylon'. Is it the antichrist? Click below for the truth on this matter.
A Warning Rejected_Is Hillary Clinton th
What is Babylon-1.jpg
Sounds Serious! A final call will be made to every person living to come out from this mammoth religious system, before its too late. 
6 Rebutting Objections to the Sabbath-1.
Pope Francis to Change Lord's Prayer_God
40 Questions on Immortality_James White-

All three of these subjects are key Bible teachings under attack presently and will be central issues in the coming final crisis in our world.  It behooves all to become acquainted with each subject.

© 2019 by The Mind of Christ Ministry

1. Disclaimer:  Outside web links provided by The Mind of Christ Ministry may contain material at those sites which may not
necessarily reflect the beliefs of The Mind of Christ Ministry.

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